46 Most Popular Varieties of Blue Flower

Blue flowers are one of the most fascinating and rare blooms in nature. These vibrant flowers exist in various shades that range from light blue to dark indigo and symbolize mystery, spirituality, tranquility, and love.

They bloom from early spring to late fall, keeping our gardens and environment vibrant year-round. Their year-round bloom period enables us to use them in the form of bouquets and floral arrangements for different occasions like weddings, birthdays, and even funerals throughout the year. 

These flowers occur in various sizes and either exist as a solitary bloom or in clusters. The table given below provides a representation of the distinct traits of some popular blue flowers. 

Scientific NamePlant TypeShadeBlooming SeasonGrowth Requirements
Common BluebellHyacinthoides non-scriptaPerennialViolet-blueSpringSoil: Moist, well-drained, sandy, clay, loamy
Sunlight: Partial shade
USDA Zone: 4 to 9
Blue IrisIris spuriaPerennialViolet-blueLate spring to summerSoil: Moist, well-drained, loamy, sandy, clay
Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade
USDA Zone: 3 to 9
Eastern BluestarAmsonia tabernaemontanaPerennialPale blueSpring to summerSoil: Moist, well-drained, loamy, sandy
Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade
USDA Zone: 3 to 9
Flat Sea HollyEryngium planumPerennialMetallic blueSummerSoil: Well-drained, sandy, loamy
Sunlight: Full sun
USDA Zone: 4 to 8
Great Blue LobeliaLobelia siphiliticaPerennialBright blueLate summer to fallSoil: Moist, well-drained, chalky, loamy, clay, sandy
Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade
USDA Zone: 4 to 9
Wild Blue PhloxPhlox divaricataPerennialLavender-blueLate spring to summerSoil: Moist, well-drained, loamy, sandy, clay
Sunlight: Partial shade to full shade
USDA Zone: 3 to 8
CornflowerCentaurea cyanusAnnualIntense blueSummerSoil: Moist, well-drained, loamy, sandy
Sunlight: Full sun and partial shade
USDA Zone: 2 to 11
Himalayan Blue PoppyMeconopsis betonicifolia PerennialPale blueLate spring to summerSoil: Moist, well-drained clay, loam
Sunlight: Partial shade to full shade
USDA Zone: 5 to 7
Balloon FlowerPlatycodon grandiflorus PerennialViolet blueSummerSoil: Moist, well-drained, loamy
Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade
USDA Zone: 3 to 8
Blue DazeEvolvulus glomeratusPerennialBright blueSummer to fallSoil: Moist, well-drained, sandy, loamy
Sunlight: Full sun
USDA Zone: 8 to 11
Wood Forget-Me-NotMyosotis sylvaticaPerennialSky blueSpring to summerSoil: Moist, well-drained, loamy, clay
Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade
USDA Zone: 3 to 8
Mexican Morning GloryIpomoea tricolorAnnual, PerennialSky blueSummer to fallSoil: Moist,well-drained, sandy, loamy
Sunlight: Full sun
USDA Zone: 2 to12
Azure Blue SageSalvia azureaPerennialSky blueSummer to fallSoil: Moist, well-drained sandy, loamy
Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade
USDA Zone: 5 to 9
Stemless GentianGentiana acaulis PerennialIntense blueLate spring to summerSoil: Moist, well-drained, loamy, sandy
Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade
USDA Zone: 3 to 7
Spiked Speedwell
Veronica spicata PerennialBluish purpleLate spring to summerSoil: Moist, well-drained, loamy
Sunlight: Full sun
USDA Zone: 3 to 8
Candle Larkspur Delphinium elatum
PerennialIntense blueSummerSoil: Well-drained, loamy Sunlight: Full sun
USDA Zone: 3 to 7
Blue FlaxLinum perenne var. lewisiiPerennialPale blueSpring to summerSoil: Dry, well-drained, sandy
Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade
USDA Zone: 3 to 9
*Butterfly Blue PincushionScabiosa columbaria ‘Butterfly Blue’PerennialLavender- blueSpring to fallSoil: Well-drained, moist, loamy, sandy
Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade
USDA Zone: 3 to 9
Texas BluebonnetLupinus texensisAnnualIntense blueSpringSoil: Dry, well-drained, clay, loamy
Sunlight: Full sun
USDA Zone: 4 to 8
Blue MistflowerConoclinium coelestinumPerennialBluish purpleLate summer to fallSoil: Moist, well-drained, loamy, clay, sandy
Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade
USDA Zone: 5 to 10
Baby Blue EyesNemophila menziesii
AnnualBright blueFall to summerSoil: Fertile, moist, well-drained, loamy,
Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade
USDA Zone: 8 to 10
Blue Orchid or Blue VandaVanda coeruleaPerennialBluish purpleFallSoil: Fertile, loose, well-drained
Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade
USDA Zone: 10 to 12
Blue PeaClitoria ternateaPerennialIntense blueSummer to fallSoil: Moist, well-drained, clay, loamy, sandy
Sunlight: Full sun
USDA Zone: 10 to 12
FlossflowerAgeratum houstonianumAnnualBluish purpleSummer to late fallSoil: Moist, well-drained, loamy
Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade
USDA Zone: 2 to 11
Chilean Blue CrocusTecophilaea cyanocrocusPerennialIntense blueSpringSoil: Well-drained, sandy
Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade
USDA Zone: 9 to 10
Blue Bird Of Paradise Strelitzia reginaePerennialBluish purpleLate fall to late springSoil: Well-drained, loamy
Sunlight: Full sun
USDA Zone: 10 to 12
Blue Jade Flower (Jade vine)Strongylodon macrobotrysPerennialTurquoise to blue-greenSpring to summerSoil type: Moist, well-drained, loamy
Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade
USDA Zone: 10 to 12
Garden PansyViola × wittrockiana
Biennial, grown as AnnualIntense blueWinter to springSoil: Moist, well-drained, sandy, loamy, clay
Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade
USDA Zone: 6 to 10
Blue LotusNymphaea caeruleaPerennialViolet blueLate spring to summerSoil – Moist, loamy, clay
Sunlight – Full sun to part shade
USDA zone – 10 to 12
HortensiaHydrangea#PerennialPale to intense blueSpring to fallSoil: Well-drained, moist, sandy, loamy
Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade
USDA Zone: 3 to 9
Swamp LeatherflowerClematis crispaPerennialPale blue to violet blueSpring to early fallSoil: Moist, well-drained, clay, loamy, sandy
Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade
USDA Zone: 6 to 9
Netted IrisIris reticulataPerennialViolet blueWinter to early springSoil: Well-drained, moist, chalky, clay, sandy, loamy
Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade
USDA Zone: 5-9
Lily of The NileAgapanthus spp. (7 species)PerennialPale blue to bluish purpleSummerSoil: Well-drained, moist, loamy, sandy
Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade
USDA Zone: 7 to 11
Skyblue AsterSymphyotrichum oolentangiensePerennialLavender blueLate summer to fallSoil: Dry, well-drained, sandy, loamy
Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade
USDA Zone: 3 to 8
Blue-Lace FlowerTrachymene coeruleaPerennialLavender to sky blueSummerSoil: Well-drained, moist, sandy
Sunlight: Full sun
USDA Zone: 5 to 10
Narrow-Leaf Blue-Eyed-GrassSisyrinchium angustifoliumPerennialViolet blueSpring to summerSoil: Moist, well-drained, sandy, loamy
Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade
USDA Zone: 4 to 9
Common Blue VioletViola sororiaPerennialViolet blueSpring to summerSoil: Moist, well-drained, clay, loamy, sandy
Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade
USDA Zone: 3 to 9
Blue Daisy BushFelicia amelloidesPerennial, sometimes biennialBright blueSummer to fallSoil: Moist, well-drained, sandy, loamy
Sunlight: Full sun
USDA Zone: 9 to 11
Speckled Spur FlowerPlectranthus ciliatus
PerennialPale blueLate summer to fallSoil: Moist, well-drained, loamy, sandy
Sunlight: Partial shade
USDA Zone: 10 to 11
BlueblossomCeanothus thyrsiflorusPerennialPale blue to intense blueSpring to summerSoil: Well-drained, moist, sandy, loam
Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade
USDA Zone: 7 to 9
Blue Dawn FlowerIpomoea indicaPerennialLavender blueSpring to fallSoil: Well-drained, moist, loamy
Sunlight: Full sun
USDA Zone: 9 to 11
Blue Globe OnionAllium caeruleumPerennialBright blueEarly summerSoil: Well-drained, moist, chalky, sandy, loamy, clay
Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade
USDA Zone: 4 to 8
Blue Nasturtium FlowerTropaeolum azureumPerennialSky blueSpringSoil: Well-drained, moist, loamy, sandy
Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade
USDA Zone: 9 to 11
Blue SkyflowerThunbergia grandifloraPerennialLavender blueSummer to fallSoil: Moist, well-drained
Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade
USDA Zone: 8 to 11
Blue Tweedia FlowerOxypetalum coeruleumPerennialPale blueSummer to fallSoil: Well-drained, sandy, loamy, clay
Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade
USDA Zone: 10 to 11
Blue Thimble FlowerGilia capitataAnnualPale blueLate spring to summerSoil: Well-drained, dry sandy, loamy
Sunlight: Full sun
USDA Zone: 7 to 10

*Cultivars and varieties.
# Hydrangea species produce blue-colored flowers only when the soil is acidic.

Blue Flowers For Occasions

Their captivating beauty and deep symbolism make them popular for various occasions. They bring a sense of calmness, serenity, and hope along with them.

  • Hydrangea and Delphinium have been widely used for wedding bouquets and floral arrangements.  
  • Flowers such as blue iris and blue thistle are common for funerals and memorials. 
  • Blue-colored blooms are often paired with flowers of different colors, such as red, orange, white, pink, or gold, in floral arrangements for different occasions, such as birthdays, anniversaries, formal events, or even spiritual ceremonies.


Q.1. Which blue flower is the rarest in the world?

Ans. Puya × berteroniana, a natural hybrid, is the rarest blue flower in the world. 

Q. 2. Why are blue flowers rare in nature?

Ans. The pigment delphinidin, responsible for blue coloration, is present in very few plants, so blue flowers are rare in nature.  

Q.3. Are blue roses and blue dahlias naturally blue?

Ans. Blue roses and dahlias are not naturally blue since they lack the pigment delphinidin. They are either dyed or genetically modified to appear blue.   

Q. 4. What happens after ingesting a blue lotus flower?

Ans. The blue lotus flower is known to have psychoactive properties. After ingestion, it might induce a feeling of euphoria. 

Q. 5. Which blue flowers are edible?

Ans. Blue flowers such as borage, cornflower, and butterfly pea, among others, are edible as they have wide culinary uses.

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